Exchange and return

170000, LLC Demo Store, Moscow.

Reasons for goods return and exchange

No.55 Decree of the the Government of the Russian Federation of 19th January 1998 approved “The list of non-food goods of proper quality not to be returned or exchanged for the analogous Goods of different size, shape, style”.
This list points that Goods of proper quality, that possess individual properties, can not be returned if such Goods can be used only by the consumer who buys it.
To return the goods, you have to submit the document proving the fact and conditions of its purchase, and fill in the application for the goods return.

In case the Goods was given to you with partial non-observance or violation of the Order terms at the Seller’s fault, concerning the assortment, completeness, amount of Goods, you are entitled to inform the Seller (not later than seven calendar days after the Goods is received) about the violations and demand to rectify them.
You also have the right to refuse to take goods and ask for money refund. In this case the goods must be returned to the Seller with the preservation of the original sale appearance, consumer properties, seals, factory labels.
To return the goods, you have to submit the document proving the fact and conditions of its purchase, and fill in the application for the goods return.
You can see the full version of the Law on the consumers rights and receive professional advice at the following link: