The one problem with the reviews I read was that people were claiming the 52 mm were for kids or women. I am a 22 year old guy with a bigger head but dont like glasses that dominate my face. I bought the 52 mm and can tell you they look great (girlfriends agree), and not feminine as the other reviewers would leave you to believe. Its more of a style preference. The other thing that is worth noting is that these lenses can pop out and be changed! Dont be discouraged if they only sell the frame you want with the incorrect lens type.
Terri J. Bever
These were a gift for my husband and I accidentally bought the smaller pair first not realizing they were for women or men with smaller heads. They were both great and for A great price. I considered keeping the smaller pair for myself actually.
Shay Northup
I have Had These sunglasses for less than a week and every day that I wear them they leave black smudges that look like charcoal all over my face. Unsure as to why they have the finish coming off of them. I have owned many pairs of this collection and have never had them do this.
Robbie George
FIRST: Buyer Beware! These glasses are NOT polarized! I called Amazon before ordering, and were assured that they were, but when they arrived, they were not. GLASSES: Love the glasses, though. New Wayfarer style looks great and I love the soft matte finish of the frames, as opposed to the shiny black of the original (classic) Wayfarers. 52mm frames are good size for adult male with small-medium width head.
Seriously. Those you get at a gas station look about the same. The frames are rubber... rubber. And the New Wayfarer dont look like a sleek version of the classic original... they look like those wrap-around glasses youve seen guys wear at a million NASCAR events. Nothing against NASCAR, lets just say I had sartorial differences with many in the stands. Id return them if I could, but apparently I cant. They work. Thats something. And theyre well made. But the styling is crap.